Moree Demonstration site 2
Details and history of the site
Grower: Hugh Ball
Farm: Wahmaren
Location:Canarvon Hwy/Gingham Road
Crop: Spartacus barley
In-crop spray: Intervix 720ml/ha + Picoflex 0.1L/ha + MCPA 0.5L + Hasten 0.5% + Propiconazole 250 @ 500ml/ha - 24th July
Sam Simons from Poole Ag Consulting

Site background
This crop is currently in Spartacus barley and has a high FTR seed bank. Deep Rip +/- residual strips, residual herbicide strips and an untreated (no residual) – knockdowns and WeedIT will be a feature at this site post-harvest.
See the video below of Sam giving a background to the site