Improving control of milk thistle is one of the key objectives of the GRDC 'Problems weeds in northern NSW' project.
After a very well attended trial walk at 'Yarral Yarral' in early February, we have established another trial site and invite interested growers and advisers to again participate in a short trial walk.
Friday 7th March at 9.30-11am
"Wirra" (Bolland Family) 2635 Bronte Rd, Bullarah
Google maps
- -29.508218 149.010449
- 29°30'29.6"S 149°00'37.6"E
At this location we have located two adjacent trials on a solid milk thistle population.
The first trial has 23 'broadacre' treatments in total, comparing rates of glyphosate, glufosinate, and Group 14 herbicides (alone and in combinations), along with seven different Group 4 based herbicides. In this trial, the back half of all plots will have been double knocked with camera rates of glufosinate.
Trials should be at peak visual brownout. Treatments will be at 24 days after application, with the double knock treatments at 15 days after application.
Cost: Free for growers and agronomists. RSVP to ensure we have enough handouts for the day and catering for morning tea: Erica at 02 9482 4930