Let’s talk feathertop Rhodes grass
The key to managing feathertop Rhodes grass (FTR) is to stop it in in tracks before it becomes established. This can be easier said than done in a farming system that typically manages weed problems reactively – that is waiting until the weeds have germinated and then taking action.
Feathertop Rhodes grass is very well adapted to no-till fallows. Under the right climatic conditions, it can rapidly emerge and quickly become too large for spraying, so the optimal spray window can be as little as a few days. Glyphosate is usually ineffective and those post-emergent herbicides which are the most reliable need to be targeted at very small weeds, soon after emergence. This makes it especially difficult to control populations when managing large areas that have all germinated on a rainfall event, especially as all standard post-emergent herbicides will require a second double-knock application.
The key to managing FTR is to be on top of it from the start. Farm hygiene is critical. Wherever isolated plants are found they should be physically removed before setting seed.
Understand that, in zero till fallows, FTR is most likely to be the first weed to establish after winter – so management plans need to be in place before the first spring rainfall event – ideally by having an effective residual herbicide already applied, or being ready for an effective post-emergent double knock within 1-2 weeks of emergence.
Learn more
In response to the ongoing FTR problem, GRDC has initiated a new investment to assist growers and agronomists in southern Queensland and northern NSW in developing strategies to manage this weed.
⇩ Demo paddocks ⇩ Communications
Best Management Practice of FTR
Mitch Cuell from Outlook Ag shares his insights into the demonstration site at Edgroi along with broader insights into managing FTR
Sam Simons from Poole Ag shares his insights into FTR management in general and the site at Moree
Nellie Lawson from B & W Rural in Mungindi shares her insights into FTR management around Mungindi.
Leading Gwydir Valley agronomists Tim Poole and Sam Simons share their experiences of what is working (or not) for integrated FTR management in northern NSW.

Five demonstration paddocks are comparing a best management approach to local grower standards over the next two summers.
Sites are located at
Initial plan for the sites
The initial plan for each of the 5 demo sites was to apply and compare the effectiveness of two treatments, the standard treatment used by the grower and the ‘best management’ treatment, which would include additional tactics such as increased crop competition, physical removal (chipping, burning), cultivation, use of residuals, optical sprayers and more. At several sites, additional treatments have also been included.
Click on the locations above to see the latest progress on these sites.

For those unable to attend planned events in person, we will be providing additional resources and media.
Come back here to make sure you are abreast of the latest information on FTR management.
Feathertop Rhodes information
Feathertop Rhodes grass and sorghum - does this work? (Paddock practices article, August 2021)
Strategies for managing feathertop Rhodes grass and ecology and biology of windmill grass (June 2021) (webinar recording)
Grazing and chemical options to manage feathertop Rhodes grass in southern NSW (GRDC Update paper)
Updated GRDC Feathertop Rhodes Grass Manual (November 2020)
Strategies to manage feathertop Rhodes grass (January 2021)
Tactics for feathertop Rhodes grass management outlined in the north
Is it safe to plant winter cereals after using Group A herbicides?
Winter ideal time for feathertop Rhodes grass control plan
GRDC Grains Research Update, online - Feathertop Rhodes grass (southern NSW)